馬爾地夫擬推動環保鮪魚行銷全球市場馬爾地夫政府決定推動當地漁民從事符合環境友善的作業漁法,將自家優質水產品打進已開發市場。馬爾地夫漁農業部部長表示,當地漁民採用一次只能抓到一尾魚的鮪竿釣法(pole and line)與汽車貸款獨特加工處理漁獲,該部有意鼓勵業者強化此項優勢,以取得較高價格,而目前馬國漁民使用此種負責任作業漁法,卻與他國產生漁獲相同價格。 同時擁有「海豚友善」認證水產品行銷海外的MIFCO自有公司,計畫未來將包裝標有一尾酒店經紀一尾釣「One by One:馬爾地夫風」的新產品引進歐洲市場。馬國鮪漁業近日取得海洋之友與地球島協會的雙重認證。馬國漁業部也打算擴大結合世界大公司,像英國Lovering食品公司等主要食品進口商與罐裝食品批發商的力量行銷全球住商房屋。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News NO. 5/2009,16 March 2009) GOVERNMENT PLANS TO PROMOTE ‘GREEN’ TUNA IN THE GLOBAL MARKETThe government plans to position Maldives fish products as a premium brand to 酒店經紀developed markets, stressing theenvironment-friendly fishing methods practiced by local fishermen.Dr. Ibrahim Didi, Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, said that Maldivian fishermen catch tuna one by 住商房屋one, usingpole and line and process the fish in a unique way. Thus the industry needs to maximise this to its advantage to getbetter price. At present, Maldivian fishermen who use ‘responsible fishing 訂做禮服methods’ get the same price as products fromother countries.A stated-owned company, MIFCO plans to introduce new products to the EU market with the ‘pole-and-line logo’,while the company’s products for 關鍵字行銷foreign brands already carry ‘dolphin-friendly’ certification. In the future, fishproducts would be marketed more specifically with the logo ‘One-by-one: the Maldivian Way’. The Maldives tunaindustry 信用貸款received certification from the Friend of the Sea and Earth Island Institute recently.To conduct a broad advertising campaign, the fisheries ministry is considering a joint campaign with foreign 商務中心partnerssuch as British company Lovering Foods, a leading food importer and distributor of canned foods around the world.

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